40 Days of Fasting and Praying

Dear Girlfriends,

The Together Conference is 40 days from Wednesday, April 20. I feel great pressure from the Lord to fast for these 40 days. Jesus fasted in the wilderness for 40 days before his season of public ministry began. Esther called the Jewish people to a fast before she approached the King for the salvation of her people. Prayer with fasting brings breakthrough!

Would you join me with whatever type of fast the Lord directs you to do?  I feel such resistance as we prepare for this conference and I need an army of spiritual Deborah’s to engage in the battle with me. We are releasing a simple prayer guide for each day to unify us in the power of agreement. Thank you for your partnership.

I am fully convinced that the spiritual activity and impartation from last year’s conference was a huge catalyst to great presence and power in lives and ministries. That is what I am believing for this year’s conference; a spiritual cannon that thrusts women into their breakthroughs and destiny. The Lord has great things stored up for us!!!

I love you all more than you will ever know.  Doing life and ministry with you is a JOY!  

Jesus is worth it.

Much love,



‘I Choose You’ 40 Day Prayer Guide

Together Conference 2016

Thank you for joining Pastor Becky and the Together Conference team in a 40-day pre-conference fast, guided by focused prayer.  This year’s conference theme is “I Choose You” from John 15:16.

“You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit–fruit that will last–and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you.”

With eyes of love, the Father looks at you and sees the fruitful leader and mighty instrument of breakthrough you are destined to be for your home and community.  He chose you first, and would love for you to choose Him and His dream for you.  And since our Father is all about family, He also empowers you to see, to choose, and to raise up others in this way.

Throughout the next 40 days, the I Choose You Prayer Guide will provide us with opportunities to choose God’s dream for ourselves and for our girlfriends—over and over again. As we choose and contend for faith over fear, compassion over complacency, forgiveness over offense, passion over indifference, sisterhood over isolation, we are creating that spiritual cannon to thrust women into their breakthroughs and destiny!

Girlfriends, let do these 40 days together.  We are so much better together!

For more information on how to fast and why we fast, visit  www.trinitychurch.org/events/fasting-resources

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