Day 6- I Choose To Dream

Day 6 – Monday, April 25

Our God is the greatest visionary and dreamer of all time, and He created us with the ability to dream. The Lord delights in our dreaming and rejoices as we passionately pursue His vision. Today, let’s take time to turn off the distractions, quiet our souls, and dream with God—not just for ourselves—let’s dream with God for our girlfriends!

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Day 5- I Choose Hope

Day 5 – Sunday, April 24

If not quickly and properly dealt with, life’s pain and disappointments have a way of rooting themselves deeply within us and causing our hearts to suffer. Cynicism, anger, hopelessness, fear—Proverbs 13:12 says, “Hope deferred makes the heart sick…”, but it doesn’t end there! Your diagnosis can change! God has promised healing to the brokenhearted and restoration to those seemingly hopeless situations. Both for yourself and for your sisters, take hold of the “hope rope” the Lord is extending to heal, uplift and set you free.

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Day 4- I Choose Trust

Day 4 – Saturday, April 23

Trusting in God is simply believing that He loves you, He is a good Father, and He has the power and desire to help you. You may find you’ve put more trust in yourself, other people, finances, government, etc. But today, the Lord is inviting you to turn your trust toward Him—both for yourself and for your sisters. Father longs to lavish His unconditional love, vast wisdom and limitless supply upon every area of need. Trust is the key that gives God entry; let’s choose to trust in Him.

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Day 2- I Choose Identity

Thursday, April 21

Girlfriend, you have been chosen!—hand-picked by God to be His friend and His daughter. And while women may have a reputation for talking too much, we have an audience with the King, who loves to listen to us and lavish us with good things. Let’s come to Him confidently and be filled with a joyful expectancy!

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Day 1- I Choose Grace

Wednesday, April 20

Ladies, we can be so hard on ourselves sometimes—A 40-day fast???—Oh my!!!  But this journey you’ve joined is not so much about the food choices you make, as it is about choosing to partner with God’s heart for breakthrough and freedom in women’s lives. Let’s invite Holy Spirit to help us fulfill this 40-day fast free from guilt and full of His grace for the choices we make.

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