Day 7- I Choose Life

Tuesday, April 26

Ladies, in every way we are called to be life-givers. All day, every day, we have the chance to speak words that bring life into people and situations. In fact, every time we speak we are prophesying the future! There is a great opportunity and invitation from the Lord before us – to bless and speak life over the Together Conference and every woman that will participate, be it attendees from Canada, Oak Cliff, Oklahoma, or Pastor Becky and the Trinity conference team. To each woman and every circumstance, let’s speak peace and prosperity, grace and great fruitfulness, the presence and power of God—until we see what we say come to pass!

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Day 3- I Choose To See

Friday, April 22

Think about the woman with the issue of blood. And the adulterous woman about to be stoned. Each time, Jesus paused to see beyond himself and be the answer she was desperately seeking. Ruth also paused to see, love, and do life together with Naomi—despite the cost. Girlfriends, this fast and focused prayer is not not so much about us, as it is about choosing to step out of the whirlwind of our life to see and respond to our sisters with the love and compassion of Christ. As women chosen by God, let’s be intentional about pausing to see beyond ourselves. Beautiful outcomes await!

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